

Preplanning a funeral has many benefits. To start, preplanning provides you and your family with a funeral service blueprint. At the prearrangement conference, the funeral director will discuss the many options that are available to you and help you choose the type of remembrance that is right for you and your family.

The prearrangement conference is also an opportunity to identify any benefits that may be available to your family at the time of death, such as benefits from the Veterans Administration, Social Security, and/or fraternal or civic organizations. It also helps you and your family understand the costs associated with the funeral options you have selected and helps identify a method for payment.

Your funeral prearrangement does not prevent you or surviving family members from making changes to the funeral later. You, or your next-of-kin, may wish to upgrade, reduce, transfer or even cancel the prearrangement if so desired. Also, prearranging with a specific funeral home does not mean you ultimately have to use that funeral home's services. For example, if the funeral is preplanned at one funeral home, but ultimately takes place at another, payment must be forwarded to the funeral home that handles the funeral, even if that funeral home is located in another state.

All monies paid to a funeral home for prearranged funeral services are required to be placed in trust in a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured account, which means the funeral home cannot access those funds while the intended funeral recipient is still living.

There is also a lot of helpful information on the New Jersey State Funeral Director's Association website.

We would be happy to talk to yoy about making pre-arrangements for yourself or another family member, please give us a call.

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